1. Daffodils
Scientific name: Narcissus
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Narcisseae
Genus: Narcissus

The bulbs are the most poisonous part of the flower. It is mistaken for leek or onions and cooked and eaten. It may cause nausea, vomiting and Diarrhoea. Flowers can cause intestinal spasms, low BP, salivation and even cardiac problems. In May 2009, a large number of children fell ill in Suffolk, England after a daffodil bulb was added to soup during a cookery class.
2. Dumbcane
Scientific name: Dieffenbachia
Family: Araceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Dieffenbachieae
Genus: Dieffenbachia

Eating this plant can irritate the mouth and cause swelling. It can even cause sores, redness, dermatitis, rashes on the skin when the sap gets in contact with the skin. The leaves release a proteolytic enzyme which causes swelling and respiratory distress. Contact of sap with eyes can lead to eye irritation corneal abrasion and maybe permanent eye damage.
3. Easter Lilly
Scientific name: Lilium longiflorum
Family: Lilies
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Lilieae
Genus: Lilium

These are toxic to cat species. When eaten, it can cause dangerous symptoms and can lead to death from kidney problems. Early symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, distress lethargy which begins only two hours later a cat eats part of this plant. If a cat consumes a part, then the treatment should begin no later than 18 hours after the exposure. Sooner the treatment, they can limit the amount of eaten lily’s absorption in the cat’s body.
4. English Ivy
Scientific name: Hedera helix
Family: Araliaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Honeysuckle
Genus: Hedera

Also called branching ivy, needlepoint ivy. If ingested, may cause vomiting, abdominal pain, excessive drooling, Diarrhoea. It is toxic to dogs and cats. Contact with these plants may cause allergic conditions. Usually, symptoms are only severe if large amounts of the plant are eaten or in contact.
5. Oleander
Scientific name: Nerium oleander
Family: Apocynaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Nerieae
Genus: Nerium

This tall shrub has long leathery leaves that grow in groups. Bright clusters of flowers bloom at the ends of branches. Every part of these plants including seeds is poisonous. Eating small parts can cause fatal, vomiting, diarrhea and in severe cases coma and death.
6. Peace Lilly
Scientific name: Spathiphyllum
Family: Araceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Spathiphylleae
Genus: Spathiphyllum

Leaves are toxic. If large quantities of leaves are eaten causes vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache, swelling in the mouth and throat. The sap and juice of the plant can interfere with your blood calcium level making your blood toxic. The effect of this in adults is mild but can cause serious health problems to kids or pets. Cats are more sensitive to peace lily, if left untreated for more than 72 hours, they could potentially die from renal failure.
7. Philo dentron
Scientific name: Philodendron
Family: Araceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Philodendreae
Genus: Philodendron

If leaves are eaten it causes burning and swelling of lips, tongue and throat. It contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic and harmful to humans and animals. The effect of this is mild in adults, but rare fatalities have been observed in children. This is more toxic to cats and can cause spasms, seizures, pain, swelling in animals.
8. Pothos
Scientific name:
Family: Araceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Monstereae
Genus: Epipremnum

The plant can cause irritation and vomiting if ingested because it contains calcium oxalate crystals. Even the sap contains chemicals that cause irritation and inflammation to your skin. In rare cases, it may cause swelling of your upper airways, causing difficulty in breathing.
9. Sago Palm
Scientific name: Cycas revoluta
Family: Cycadaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Conifers
Genus: Cycas

Although the plant looks small and cute, ideal for indoor and tables, the leaves and seeds of this plant are poisonous. The plant is extremely dangerous for dogs. Symptoms of ingestion will develop with 12 hours which include vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, seizure, liver failure, cirrhosis or ascites. The fatality rate of 50% to 75% of the sago palm is observed by the animal poison control center. The seeds contain the highest level of toxic cycasin causing gastrointestinal irritation, extreme cases leading to liver failure.
10. Foxgloves
Scientific name: Digitalis
Family: Plantaginaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Digitalideae
Genus: Digitalis

The plant contains toxic cardiac glycosides. Ingestion of any parts (often leaves) can result in severe poisoning. Symptoms include nausea, headache, skin irritation and diarrhea. In severe cases, it can lead to heart and kidney problems. Although dangerous, it is also used to make medicine to make heart stimulant drugs. Hallucination and loss of appetite are seen in people who have been poisoned over a long period of time.
Explore more about POISONOUS PLANTS through these books:
Poisonous Plants: A Handbook for Pharmacists, Doctors, Toxicologists, Biologists and Veterinarians
The Ecology And Economic Impact Of Poisonous Plants On Livestock Production
Plants That Kill – A Natural History of the World`s Most Poisonous Plants
Poisonous Plants of All Countries. with the Active, Chemical Principles Which They Contain