What is this 1/10th rule? Is it a mathematical formula? A chemistry equation? “One by tenth”.What can be there in one by a tenth of anything? We hardly get anything out of it. Having 1/10th of ice cream, pizza, sandwich is hardly not eating at all. 1/10th of workout, studying, enjoying is better than not doing anything at all. UNLESS. Unless you want to be financially free. Unless you want to do the things you always wanted to do. Unless you don’t want to think of money when you’re having a party, enjoying lunch with friends or having dinner with your family.
Start this and start now. Keep aside 1/10th of what you earn every month. When I say this, particularly about MONEY, their heart stops, sweat starts to build up. Why should I keep aside 1/10th when I can spend it for myself, my family and my luxuries. When we say 1/10th of your hard-earned money; suddenly the question of “So much Money” strikes our empty mind.
And yes, what if someone asks what if I don’t have even 1/10th to save. Then I tell you young man, start spending wisely. Start spending on your necessities rather than wishful needs. The watch you saw the other day, the 500$ watch would be nice in your hand. But think again, you already have a fancy watch which works fine by all means. Then why spend the extra on this. The McDonald Burger would have been nice to have but you have the Indian coffee house by side. The Uber taxi was relaxing, but you had the bus which did the same job. My point is simple, sacrifice now for in the future you no longer need to sacrifice for anything.
And now the obvious question will be: I got the savings done. What do I do next?